Tennessee is on the move in the alternative fuels marketplace. A growing list of Tennessee companies and local governments are involved with innovative biofuel projects stretching from Memphis to Carter County. Our significant research infrastructure, specifically the University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Laboratory, are actively engaged in transformative science and the potential for rapid commercialization. At the state level, we are making grant and loan investments to increase the accessibility, development and production of biofuels across Tennessee.
In order to complement and promote these ongoing efforts, the Governor’s Alternative Fuels Working Group has launched BioTenn, a statewide public education and outreach campaign with the goal of increasing citizen awareness and understanding of biofuels in Tennessee. The BioTenn Web site is one way this grassroots public education approach will support the state’s priority of expanding infrastructure for and availability of alternative fuels in Tennessee.
I believe alternative fuels have enormous potential to benefit Tennessee in terms of economic growth, agricultural opportunity, consumer choice and environmental quality. Count on the BioTenn partnership and its Web presence to be a leading source of useful biofuels information as we continue to take steps that expand the production, distribution and use of alternative fuels in Tennessee.
Phil Bredesen